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Rogues Gallery

Leveller Claus
Description:revenge is sweet! =D

From: essex_joe   (Thu Dec 11 14:28:06 2003)
dam, i knew he was old but not that old. is he realy santa???

From: Sonic   (Thu Dec 11 14:29:22 2003)
Well it is his B-day soon...hmmmm =D

From: Santa   (Thu Dec 11 22:20:52 2003)
You never know Joe..i hear that Cookies and Milk are out this year , you might have better luck with a BK cheeseburger and Pepsi... ;D

From: essex_joe   (Sat Dec 13 19:18:34 2003)
do you think santa would want fries with that and a normal or super size???

From: Sean   (Fri Jan 2 12:03:16 2004)
SUPERSIZE... definitely! lol

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