Warning: unlink(/home/colinb/public_html/albums/gurning-gallery/serial.4042.dat): Permission denied in /home/colinb/public_html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 83

Warning: fopen(/home/colinb/public_html/albums/gurning-gallery/photos.dat.lock): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/colinb/public_html/gallery/platform/fs_unix.php on line 55
Error: Could not open lock file (/home/colinb/public_html/albums/gurning-gallery/photos.dat.lock)! The GS500E.CO.UK Gallery :: Gurning Gallery! (Be afraid... be very afraid!) :: 1

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Gurning Gallery! (Be afraid... be very afraid!)


From: Phlock   (Sat May 15 18:18:48 2004)
It's Kawa, also known as Darth Hideous, Gurn Master and Lord of the Sick!

From: Nihilist   (Wed Jun 23 18:54:07 2004)
You can get a laxative for that problem you know.

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